THE longer you’ve been training, the harder it is to bring about any physical change. So in terms of the Amazing 12 Body Transformation program, which I am now running, I saw myself as a good test case: 35 years of continuous training – the last four doing CrossFit, aged 47, on a vegan diet and a naturally lean (difficult to bulk) body type.
I followed the program to the letter and enjoyed every second of it – so much so that I was already looking forward to doing it again. Coming from a boxing background, it suited my mentality: the ritual of building to a peak over a prolonged period (in this case 12 weeks) in a constructive, dedicated manner.
I felt so much stronger at the end than when I started, gaining just 3lbs. I was shoulder-pressing and bench-pressing multiple repetitions with weights I could lift only for one rep when I began and doing multiple chin-ups (40-plus) with weights attached, in a relatively short time.
Not that I ever doubted it, but I discovered first-hand that the program works.
This wasn’t only a transformative experience, but it became an education in strength training and understanding better how to best utilise nutrients to fuel and build our bodies.
There’s no trick photography involved. My intention from the start was to carry out the program as honestly as is possible and that will always be the case.